Asol SDK. Enforces Adams/Solver C++ to use the Adams/Solver FORTRAN message file style when reloading.
command: FILE/COMMAND=vv_single_travel.acf
command: file/model=vv_single_travel
ERROR:The MARKER referenced by ID number does not exist.
ERROR: Value : 153
ERROR: Argument : J
ERROR: Statement : JOINT/53
ERROR: Line number : 3265
ERROR:The MARKER referenced by ID number does not exist.
ERROR: Value : 158
ERROR: Argument : J
ERROR: Statement : JOINT/54
ERROR: Line number : 3271
ERROR:Errors in the Adams dataset prevent it from being loaded into the database.
---- START: ERROR ----
Attempt to read in model into AMD was unsuccessful
---- END: ERROR ----
command: preferences/solver=CXX
command: preferences/status=on
command: control/ routine=acarSDM::con950, function=user(950,29,31,1,2,18,20,1,3,2,3,28,30,2,3,28,30,1,1)
command: simulate/static, end=101.000000, steps=100
---- START: ERROR ----
This command cannot be processed until a model has been defined.
---- END: ERROR ----
command: !
command: stop