adams car 里面报错
本帖最后由 ma2015 于 2016-1-19 16:04 编辑请问一下,有人这个是什么错误吗?我就在adams car 里面把前悬架 和转向装配起来仿真,就报这个错,有人知道是什么意思吗?
The maximum number of iterations 25, has been reached.
For the last attempted iteration:
The equation with the largest error was model.temp_160119.ges_lagan Comp = 8 Error = 7326.064084
The variable receiving the largest increment was model.temp_160119.ges_lagan Comp = 5 Delta = 2951.860440.
The maximum number of iterations 25, has been reached.
For the last attempted iteration:
The equation with the largest error was model.temp_160119.ges_lagan Comp = 8 Error = 7326.064084
The variable receiving the largest increment was model.temp_160119.ges_lagan Comp = 5 Delta = 2951.860440. b不收敛,可以联系QQ 871748073