在adina流固耦合FSI计算中,总是出现如下错误可能是:(1)他们相互作用界面的网格之间的距离过大;(2)当两个模型网格的尺寸偏差太大时,也会发生这种错误;(3)流场模型和结构模型中流固耦合边界的编号不对应,也会出现这个错误。我改过结构模型网格密度,还是同样的错误;模型尺寸应该不会有问题。大概五六年前有人提过类似问题,但是没人解决,我尝试联系过他本人,但联系不到。希望对此了解的人能帮帮我,十分感谢。出现的错误如下:*** ERROR *** CODE ADF2701:Fluid node (label) 513 is not attached to solid fluid-structure
interface 1. The relative distance to solid boundary element
15384 is 4.38E+01.
The fluid nodal coordinates are (-1.9E-03, 1.67E-02, 4.00E-04).
The points and their coordinates of the solid boundary element are:
point 2973 = ( -7.32E-04, -1.00E-02, 4.000E-04)
point 3394 = ( -1.41E-03, -1.01E-02, 1.010E-03)
point 3393 = ( -7.32E-04, -1.00E-02, 1.010E-03)
Possible causes are:
* Fluid-structure interfaces in fluid and solid models are not
* Solid boundary elements are too coarse compared with fluid boundary
elements on the same fluid-structure interface.
Recall that fluid-structure interfaces are specified in both fluid and
solid models. They must be coincident with each other. However, it is
normal to have a small distance between fluid nodes and solid
fluid-structure interfaces if meshes of interfaces in both models are
not matched.
The relative distance here is defined as the ratio of the distance between
the fluid node and the closest solid boundary element to the length of the
solid boundary element.
恼火啊,你试试把潜在接触地方也设置成流固耦合边界 cainiao07 发表于 2016-9-6 13:50
谢谢你的回复,流体和固体的接触面就那几个吧?请教一下,什么叫潜在接触,我这个模型已经简化了,好像没有潜在接触 汉舞大地 发表于 2016-9-7 16:26
谢谢你的回复,流体和固体的接触面就那几个吧?请教一下,什么叫潜在接触,我这个模型已经简化了,好像没 ...
有些模型变形后,固体界面和流体域界面会在后面存在接触 你好 我也出现了你的问题 请问您那解决了吗 stwhitetree 发表于 2016-9-25 17:19
你好 我也出现了你的问题 请问您那解决了吗
这个问题解决了,我模型建立错了 我也出现了同样的问题 请问怎么解决的啊 请问您怎么 解决的啊我也出现了 同样的错误模型什么地方有问题啊
汉舞大地 发表于 2016-10-22 16:13
你好,能解释一下错哪了吗? 哟哟切克闹 发表于 2018-8-21 15:48