FSI analysis in supersonic fluid flow 文献
用adina计算高速流动的文章比较少,今天查文献看到这篇文章,对二维翼型做流固耦合分析,马赫数达到2.0,定常与非定长的计算都包括了。希望对使用AdinaF功能和FSI功能的兄弟有所帮助Title FSI analysis in supersonic fluid flow
Abstract Aerodynamic control surfaces, i.e. fins, are normally high loaded light weight structures subjected to fluid flow. For minimum weight requirements the fin structure stiffness and the control actuator system stiffness effects must be included in the fin design. In high Mach number flow an interaction between the fluid and the structure is a priori unknown and aeroelastic instability effects may occur. For a 2D-fin profile the fluid–structure interaction will be considered for an increasing fluid velocity up to Ma 2.0 and for stationary flow conditions at Ma 2.0 using ADINA/ADINA-F.
[ 本帖最后由 苍山负雪 于 2006-4-16 21:46 编辑 ]
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