【请教】关于卫星轨道及姿态校正方面的书 ?
【请教】关于卫星轨道及姿态校正方面的书 ?[ 本帖最后由 FreddyMusic 于 2006-4-30 22:30 编辑 ]
包括 轨道 和姿态两部分
你可以托人邮购 千万不要看章仁为的书,真是错误百出!
卫星轨道姿态动力学与控制. 北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,1998. 3
就这本 谁能再推荐 3 本, 卫星轨道及姿态校正方面的权威著作? weicha13,
章仁为的书哪里错了.? 有E文的吗?关于卫星轨道及姿态校正 cdey
I found some in rapidshared, but you this is the moment for you to do something for Simwe. Applied Orbit Perturbation and Maintenance
Chia-Chun "George" Chao
ISBN 1-884989-17-9
264 pp., illus.
Since the start of the space age more than 50 years ago, various space technology applications—including communication, navigation, and remote sensing—have advanced significantly. To meet the challenges in each application category, scientists have identified special orbit types such as geostationary, semisynchronous, Molniya, sun-synchronous, and frozen. Applied Orbit Perturbation and Maintenance was written by Dr. Chia-Chun "George" Chao to summarize the perturbation theories and control (stationkeeping) algorithms needed for understanding the dynamics, stability, and maintenance of those orbits.
The book begins with a review of two-body mechanics and the two fundamental methods of solving the equations of motion with perturbations: special and general perturbations. The commonly used integration algorithms are explained and compared. Readers are supplied with a useful reference for designing original numerical integration tools and understanding existing ones.
The book's major contribution may be the analytical representation of the averaged equations of variation of the four types of perturbation sources in terms of classical orbit elements. Dr. Chao makes use of the computerized expansion of the Poisson series to express the singly averaged third-body perturbation equations in closed form in eccentricity. His approximation of the third-body motion with circular orbit significantly compresses the computer-generated solution without losing the needed accuracy.
Dr. Chao, a retired Senior Engineering Specialist from The Aerospace Corporation, has more than 35 years' experience in astrodynamics, covering mission design and analysis, orbit perturbations, and stationkeeping and formationkeeping strategies for orbit determination and navigation of interplanetary missions. He was principal investigator and coinvestigator on several Aerospace and NASA-sponsored research projects. He is an AIAA Associate Fellow and a recipient of several achievement awards and a U.S. patent on the formationkeeping of the sparse array antenna. 任何人出的数都不会一点纰漏没有吧?排版印刷中也会出错阿!章老怎么说原来也是准院士级别的人物……几年前就作古了
原帖由 lisi 于 2005-4-24 05:56 发表
包括 轨道 和姿态两部分
你可以托人邮购 哈工大
空间飞行器动力学 ,这本书不错的 谢谢啊,真是好书 章老的书绝对值得多读,读透,研究卫星的人手一本。 这方面的书还是有基本的,不过推荐你看英文的,章的书还行,不过较浅
毕竟人家是搞过工程的,理论水平也不低,书写的很好,要认真读的 谁说章老的书破洞百出呢,是你自己不识货吧章老的书可是他在工程部门干了一辈子之后的经验总结啊,已经出版了好几个班次了,足见其影响之大。