FreddyMusic 发表于 2007-8-31 12:09:54

[ Free Talk ] Writer Editor and Reader

Hi Editors,

Yesterday, I am reading a book of writing stylist.
Later I made a serious thinking about the editor job and task.
A good writer need a good editor and writer need more readers.

I have some questions what is job for an professional editor ?
I am wondering, what is are they doing exactly.
For example, When you receieve and new paper.
What do you do ? How do you make your best edit ?

Regarding the 12th simwe journal,
It appears aba_aba is manager of jouranl, alexqxp is the editor in chief ?
What is exactly style for our journal ? aba_aba dreams for a " Scientific Chinese".
alexqxp has made many experience with simwe journal before.
What is the exactly difference between a magazine journal and newsletters ?

I write a report for 2nd simwe competition last week, Now I am reviewing the report.
Suddenly I realized it's probably well speaked but not very well written indeed.
if we are still dreaming for a " Scientific Chinese".
Therefore I plan to edit my report from a new read's view-point.
What can I do this ? Any suggstion or tips ?
How can I help you to have good quality paper,
How can we increase the reader's number and quality for our Simwe journal ?

FreddyMusic 发表于 2007-9-2 14:48:47


现在各位请校对,zxzxzx00 aba_aba xiaov hjli6

1. 请看看总体是否有缺陷?
   我们的目标是向会员宣传Simwe 和竞赛。



aba_aba 发表于 2007-9-3 15:42:45


原文:“其工作量也是不小,整个仿真过程包含了多个单一仿真的过程,模型涉及到explicit, 复杂接触,材料失效破坏,加载速度,位移载荷,amplitude,是个很好的教程。”

改为:“其工作量也是不小,整个模型包含了多种较复杂的仿真问题,如显式动力分析、复杂接触、材料失效破坏、选择合理的加载速度、施加位移载荷等,是一个很好的 ABAQUS 仿真范例。”


FreddyMusic 发表于 2007-9-3 17:08:35

谢谢 aba_aba, 我已修订。
我也 PM 给了另外三人 zxzxzx00 xiaov hjli6


zxzxzx00 发表于 2007-9-6 12:24:08

语言组织表达我的不会。:L :L

FreddyMusic 发表于 2007-9-10 21:20:56


That's my latest version, I think it polished.
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