usually has little effect on the resulting factor of safety The unit weight above the water table should certainly not be specified as the dry
unit weight. In the field, the soil is seldom completely dry except for perhaps a
relatively thin layer near the ground surface.
A situation where the difference in unit weight above and below the water table
may be significant is when very coarse rock fill is placed in water to create a water
break. For this type of situation, assume that e is 1.0, G is 2.7 and γw is 10 kN/m3. Below
the water line where S is 1.0 the unit weight is 18.5 kN/m3. Above the water line
where S is zero, the unit weight is 13.5 kN/m3. This is a significant difference and
consequently worth the effort to specify two different unit weights. 学习了。 在进行slope稳定性计算式,要么自定义浸润线要么结合seep计算,根本不用考虑参数的水上水下区别