Hyperworks 9.0 Radioss Theory Manual - PART2
补上 前两天 一个朋友上传缺失的第二部分 Radioss Theory手册源自Hyperworks9的帮助文档 现在都有9.0下载??? 自己补充一句,2008的Radioss的手册里面修改啦2004版里面的好多错误,希望大家好好享用 第一部分Radioss手册的链接
http://forum.simwe.com/viewthrea ... 1&extra=#pid1394409
[ 本帖最后由 NicolasCage 于 2008-8-4 20:43 编辑 ] 楼上问在哪里下载的兄弟,我用的是正版的,呵呵,不过知道网上哪里可以下到,自己找找看吧,哈哈 谢谢,好东西:handshake
Hyperworks 9.0 Radioss Theory Manual
帮助文件里有啊!大家好好找找啊! 是的都在帮助文档里面,可是好多人没有Hyperworks9.0,所以就发上来给大家看看,radioss theory 我看到的有3个版本
打算从明天开始拜读给出更详细的评价。 9.0里面出了optistruc还有集成了其他求解器吗? 好像是没有的,不过radioss的solver里面好像包含了optistruct,keyword的格式颇似nastran和dyna在各自的静态和动态的solver下 哦,谢谢楼主 What is Altair RADIOSS?
Altair RADIOSS is a next-generation implicit and explicit finite-element solver for linear statics and dynamics as well as complex nonlinear transient dynamics and multi-body dynamics. This robust, multidisciplinary solution allows manufacturers to maximize durability, NVH, crash, safety, manufacturability and fluid-structure interaction performance in order to bring innovative products to market faster.
RADIOSS 9.0 is a new product that merges the analysis capabilities of the Altair’s non-linear finite element software RADIOSS, the linear finite element software OptiStruct, the one-step stamping software HyperForm Solver, and the multi-body dynamics software MotionSolve.
RADIOSS 9.0 provides small and large displacement finite element, multi-body dynamics, and sheet metal stamping analysis. Radioss=OptiStruct(Nastran)+Radioss(4.1;5.1)+HyperForm+MotionSolve
这个功能好像比Abaqus还有牛啊 纯粹的理论部分,很好的基础资料,值得下载。