想请教各位高手,adams能不能进行多核心处理器的设置呢?~我现在的仿真运行很慢~想进行多核心的并行计算设置~不知道行不行啊?~:) 可以啊. Settings-->Solver-->Exectuable然后设Thread Count. 可以啊. Settings-->Solver-->Exectuable
然后设Thread Count.
我看见这个选项了,可是在默认的choice-->fortran的时候,Thread Count是灰色的,不能更改啊?~
不好意思,鄙人是个菜鸟,需要多向高手请教~:D 而且我刚才试了一下~还是没什么效果啊~即便是选择了c++和thread数目,也还是一个核在运转,其他的都几乎为零!~为什么呢?是不是我哪里没有设置对呢?~ 本帖最后由 niwei_20xx 于 2009-3-17 16:23 编辑
I got an answer from MSC.Software company:
Specifies the number of parallel threads that Adams/Solver (C++) will use when performing the simulation.
The number of threads, n, must be an integer in the range of 1 to 8. The default value is 1.
By executing multiple threads in parallel across multiple processors, Adams/Solver (C++) can reduce the walltime required for a simulation.
Typically, the optimal number of threads is between N and 2N, where N is the number of processors (including virtual processors, such as Pentium processors supporting HyperThreading).
Note that this option has no effect on IRIX architectures.
Anbei finden Sie Links zu den Artikeln in Knowledge Base zum Thema SMP:
SMP Parallel processing available in 2005 Release of ADAMS/Solver (C++)
AS-019: Using Parallel Processing (SMP) to Obtain Performance Benefits for Contact Models
I tried it, but in the task manager it is still the same: only 1 core has been used, the simulation time is only slightly reduced.
Here I copied the two passages from knowledge base into 2 word documents.
And if you are using the legal ADAMS version, smp parallel processing will cost additional 28 Tokens On their website the following performance increase has been announced:
Dual-processor desktop: 1.2 - 1.7 x
Quad-processor compute server: 1.5 - 3 x
8-processor compute server: 2.5 - 4 x 6# niwei_20xx
当然不排除我弄错了。希望一起探讨下。 假如没设置parasolid的话,确实可以实现多cpu计算。 Contact 的SMP是在Adams2008中才支持的 原来是这样。多谢luckyli版主了。 Contact 的SMP是在Adams2008中才支持的
是不是2007R3?有2008版吗? 我的也是只有一个CPU在计算 8# allenxiaoyan
设置Parasolid是什么意思,楼主的意思是说只要用了接触都不能并行计算了吗? 来学习来了 学习了!谢谢各位 我也头疼这个问题呢,回去试试,谢谢各位了 学习了 cbd 发表于 2009-3-17 02:03 static/image/common/back.gif
可以啊. Settings-->Solver-->Exectuable
然后设Thread Count.