*** WARNING *** CODE ADF2704:Fluid node (label) 561 is not attached to boundary geometry 1.
The relative distance to boundary cell 1 is 5.50E-01.
The fluid nodal coordinates are (0.00E+00, 1.30E-04, 6.60E-01)
The points and their coordinates of the boundary cell are:
point 1 = ( 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00)
point 2 = ( 0.000E+00, -1.20E+00, 0.000E+00)
It is normal to have a small distance between fluid nodes and boundary
geometry. The relative distance here is defined as the ratio of the
distance between the fluid node and the closest boundary cell to the
length of the cell.
Note: The boundary geometry is internally generated by the program. 应该是因为流体的流固耦合边界与固体的不匹配,或者是流体耦合边界上的节点数量与固体耦合边界上的节点数量不相配。 那怎样做才能做到流体的流固耦合边界与固体的匹配 3# fengqiguojun
恩,首先边界的形状要一样,然后就是网格的划分,固体要比流体的网格密集一些 说反了,应该是流场的网格要比结构场密一些。 请问计算过程中遇到overlap 该怎么解决啊? 请问计算过程中遇到overlap 该怎么解决啊? 在流固耦合中水流速度小的时候能收敛但是水流速度一大就不收敛了,请问该怎么解决这个问题 5# wild_field
哦,不知道了,我做过一个例子,把流体和固体耦合面上的网格划分一致时报上面的错误,把固体划密集后就可以算了 你是用什么软件做的?