Fluid node (label) 2806 is not attached to solid fluid-structure
interface 1. The relative distance to solid boundary element
51 is 1.00E+01.
The fluid nodal coordinates are (0.00E+00, 5.00E+01, 5.00E+00)
The points and their coordinates of the solid boundary element are:
point 21 = ( 0.000E+00, 5.000E+01, 6.000E+00)
point 66 = ( 0.000E+00, 5.000E+01, 6.100E+00)
Possible causes are:
* Fluid-structure interfaces in fluid and solid models are not
* Solid boundary elements are too coarse compared with fluid boundary
elements on the same fluid-structure interface.
Recall that fluid-structure interfaces are specified in both fluid and
solid models. They must be coincident with each other. However, it is
normal to have a small distance between fluid nodes and solid
fluid-structure interfaces if meshes of interfaces in both models are
not matched.
The relative distance here is defined as the ratio of the distance between
the fluid node and the closest solid boundary element to the length of the
solid boundary eleme