参照adams自带的double_wishbone_torsion.tpl,自己重新建了一遍,但在执行suspension subsystem的双轮同向跳动仿真时,出现了如下的错误。请各位帮忙一起研究分析。谢谢!
----WARNING ---- Actuatorreached lower force limit ID = 1 ---- WARNING ---- FIELD test3_parallel_travel.test1_bkl_uca_front_field is violating the assumption ofsmall angles. Angle Limit = 0.20, Angles = [ 6.61363E-03,0.21236, -1.1183 ] ---- WARNING ---- FIELD test3_parallel_travel.test1_bkl_uca_rear_field is violating the assumption ofsmall angles. Angle Limit = 0.20, Angles = [ -6.61363E-03,0.21236, 1.1183 ] ---- ERROR ---- Attempt = 1. No convergence after 25iterations. Best iteration = 11. Trying next attempt with a different set ofstatics parameters... For the last attempted iteration theequation with the largest error was PART test3_parallel_travel.test1_gel_tbar Error= 2.09607E+07 The variable receiving the largest increment was JOINT test3_parallel_travel.test1_jolfix_tbar_to_subframe Delta = 6.03055E+07 ---- ERROR ---- Static equilibrium analysis has not beensuccessful. Restoring the input initial conditions... ---- ERROR ---- Static Simulation Not Successful AutoForce Pattern: ID = 1 Terminating ADAMS/Car usersubs... ID = 1 ADAMS/Solver execution terminated bysubprogram ERRMES CPU time used = 0.46875 seconds Analysisfailed! Pleasecheck the error messages to determine the cause.