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[联合仿真] adams警告,错误

发表于 2016-4-14 09:36:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 江苏南京
ADAMS **错误 每个零件都定义质量了 不知道哪错了 求大神
The Reconcile Acceleration-Force has detected a singular Jacobian matrix.
This problem may be caused by:
(a) A constraint equations that became almost re**ndant, e.g., the model
is at a singular configuration or at a bifurcation point.
(b) A massless PARTS in the model.

The Sparse Solver has detected a zero pivot for row 1318 (**ring the symbolic pivot selection).
The corresponding equation is: Part/221 Psi Torque

A minimization algorithm will be used to find a solution on the
projected constraint manifold.
错误: Time 4.414045E-01:
Acceleration computation failed to converge after 25 iterations.
Equation with the largest imbalance: Part/221 Theta Torque
Imbalance = -2.352992253E+06
Variable receiving largest increment: Part/2 X Acc
Delta = 0.000000000E+00
1) Check mass and inertia properties to ensure they are valid.
2) M**e sure the choice of units is appropriate for the system.
Systems that h**e very **all inertias may benefit from "**all"
force units, e.g., dynes.
3) Check that motion generators are valid and no re**ndant constraints exist.
4) Check if impact functions caused a strange response in the model
5) An IMPLICIT DIFF element which does not reference DIF1 must be satisfied by its IC.
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