The Reconcile Acceleration-Force has detected a singular Jacobian matrix.
This problem may be caused by:
(a) A constraint equations that became almost redundant, e.g., the model
is at a singular configuration or at abifurcation point.
(b) A massless PARTS in the model.
The Sparse Solver has detected a zero pivot for row 71 (during the symbolic pivot selection).
The corresponding equation is: Part/38 Phi Torque
A minimization algorithm will be used to find a solution on the
projected constraint manifold.
---- END: WARNING ----
Simulation Step Function Cumulative CPU
Time Size EvaluationsSteps Taken time
______________________ ______________________ ________
1.00000E+000.00000E+00 0 0 1.61
5.00000E+001.00000E+00 59 16 1.83
9.00000E+001.00000E+00 79 20 2.09
1.30000E+011.00000E+00 99 24 2.37
1.70000E+011.00000E+00 119 28 2.59
2.10000E+011.00000E+00 139 32 2.81
2.50000E+011.00000E+00 159 36 3.07
2.90000E+011.00000E+00 179 40 3.35
3.30000E+011.00000E+00 199 44 3.60
3.70000E+011.00000E+00 219 48 3.85
Time: 3.850829315E+01.
QSTATIC: Step Size Too Small: 6.002280861E-05
End Simulation
Simulate status=-121
---- START: WARNING ----
The Reconcile Acceleration-Force has detected a singular Jacobian matrix.
This problem may be caused by:
(a) A constraint equations that became almost redundant, e.g., the model
is at a singular configuration or at abifurcation point.
(b) A massless PARTS in the model.
The Sparse Solver has detected a zero pivot for row 71 (during the symbolic pivot selection).
The corresponding equation is: Part/38 Phi Torque
A minimization algorithm will be used to find a solution on the
projected constraint manifold.
---- END: WARNING ----
Simulation Step Function Cumulative CPU
Time Size EvaluationsSteps Taken time
______________________ ______________________ ________
1.00000E+000.00000E+00 0 0 1.76
5.00000E+001.00000E+00 59 16 2.07
9.00000E+001.00000E+00 79 20 2.32
1.30000E+011.00000E+00 99 24 2.56
1.70000E+011.00000E+00 119 28 2.79
2.10000E+011.00000E+00 139 32 3.00
2.50000E+011.00000E+00 159 36 3.28
2.90000E+011.00000E+00 179 40 3.56
3.30000E+011.00000E+00 199 44 3.82
3.70000E+011.00000E+00 219 48 4.06
4.10000E+011.00000E+00 239 52 4.26
End Simulation
Simulate status=0
command: !
command: stop
Termination status=0
(在2012版Car中建立的悬架模型,hypermesh12.0生成mnf文件,导入Adams,刚性外联点处建立interface part,手动将刚体的运动副、通讯器修改到柔性体上,之后删除刚体part。)
自己顶一下,求高手解答呀。 啥模型?啥结构?连个截图都没有