3D road仿真
3D road仿真时,使用的是自建的虚拟试验场路面模型,格式为.crg文件。但仿真时发现一个问题,车辆左侧轮胎和路面并未接触。每次仿真都会报错,静态平衡分析尚未成功,情况如下:仿真报错提醒:---- START: ERROR ----
Static equilibrium analysis has not been successful.
The maximum number of iterations 25, has been reached.
For the last attempted iteration:
The equation with the largest error was model.TR_Body.ges_chassis Comp = 7 Error = 27058599.059656
The variable receiving the largest increment was model.TR_Front_Suspension.josfix_subframe_rigid Comp = 5 Delta = 25633429.507625.
---- END: ERROR ----
Static Solution failed to converge
End Static Solution
Simulate status=-124 首先得保证静平衡才能进行后续仿真 你的路面怎么建的,加QQ一起探讨,1204364027