那位仁兄知道:我安装了geo-slope软件,但是full license不能用。我是按照以下说明安装的
a) Install program.
b) Use included lmtools.exe. Run it, then change to tab "System
Settings" and copy digits of "Ethernet Address".
c) Now open supplied perm.lic with notepad/editor and replace all
HostIDs with your copied one. This means, for each
HOSTID=xxxxxxxxxxxx , replace xxxxxxxxxxxx with your copied Ethernet
Address. Save the file as perm.lic and copy it to
d) Copy GSI.dll into .../GEO-SLOPE/GeoStudio2004/Bin/ (overwrite
existing file)
e) If it's not already done, in main window of geostudio, click
"License Management", there at "Flexnet local licenses", point to
the perm.lic and click "OK"
帮帮忙,谢谢各位了 1# lisose 请问你这个问题解决了吗?我出现的问题是这个http://home.simwe.com/attachment/201009/20/465461_1284955732UhLD.png 上面所说的最后一步是怎么操作呀? 我安装了但是slop模块不能用,提示lLicense 错误,其他的能用,为什么? 3# baoyun