上传卡车模块的数据库,希望在用这个的一起学习讨论。我的QQ11980279 谢谢楼主分享资料!!!!!!! 这是那个版本的?2003还是2005r2? 多谢楼主~找了好久终于找到了...原来下载的不能用,不知道这一个能不能用呢 不能用啊 楼主 可以打开整车模型,但是一仿真就报错,不知道为什么呢 我的也是仿真不了!验证模型时出现如下的信息:ERROR: ***** ADAMS MEMORY OVERFLOW *****
A larger LD array is required.
The error occurred in subroutine "TVREQ" while allocating "CHAR" space
for the "user function".
Space Available:0 Space Requested:2
Adams/Solver requires more program memory to run this model.
Be aware that the above figures for Space available and Space
requested only reflect the current requirements.Additional space
may be required later in the solution process.
Several off-the-shelf memory configurations are available and
custom configurations may be created.The available memory models
and the corresponding array sizes are:
STANDARD 100 2,000
LARGE 200 2,000
EX-LARGE 300 5,000
HUGE 1000 50,000
where the columns correspond to:
LCEXPR : Maximum number of lines in a Function
LDSIZ: Maximum total number of lines in all Functions
To use an alternative setting, you have to start the Adams 'Settings'
program.It can be found using the Start menu:
Start -> Programs -> MSC.Software -> Adams -> Adams-Settings
ERROR: Abnormal termination encountered in Adams/Solver. 谢谢...... 看看是不是我以前下的那个 我的个神啦谢谢!
楼主啊你知道我找了多久吗?在simwe论坛上看到很多地方提到adams/car truck shared database 但是就是没有见下载的地方,谢谢你啦!先去看看有问题再向你请教!致敬 谢谢楼主的无私!
不知道能不能在07版ADAMS上用 看看再说咯 请问楼主是哪个版本的? 2005r2打不开,版本不同吧[ Opening the assembly: 'msc_truck_front_suspension'...
The following subsystem file was not found:
Cannot open the requested assembly. Tools---Database Management---Add to Search
Database Name: shared_truck
Database Path:选择truck数据库路径 包包果然有经验 厉害~~~ 不知道有没有什么心的进展了
拿出来讨论下 啊 很好。好东西