*** ERROR *** CODE ADF2702:Fluid node (label) 6111 is not attached to solid fluid-structure
interface 1. The relative distance to solid boundary element
90 is 1.14E+00.
The fluid nodal coordinates are (0.00E+00, 5.14E-05, 5.72E-01)
The points and their coordinates of the solid boundary element are:
point 68 = ( 0.000E+00, 6.396E-05, 5.621E-01)
point 67 = ( 0.000E+00, 5.812E-05, 5.669E-01)
Possible causes are:
* Fluid-structure interfaces in fluid and solid models are not
* Solid boundary elements are too coarse compared with fluid boundary
elements on the same fluid-structure interface. 原因不是都已经说明白了吗 导致这个问题的原因还是比较多的!贴出IN文件吧