回复: 【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
回复: 【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
render就是工具栏上最左下的那个按钮回复: 【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
wangzx你好,首先谢谢你的答复,但是我这个提示出现后仿真就失败了,并不是象MSC专家所说的那样,具体提示如下,还望帮着解决万分感谢!WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_1 the absolute value of the longitudinal slip ratio
has gone beyond its maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Longitudinal slip ratio = 1.0247.
If the longitudinal slip ratio is positive, it will be set
to 1.0 (braking).If the longitudinal slip ratio is
negative, it will be set to -1.0 (traction).
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_3 the absolute value of the longitudinal slip ratio
has gone beyond its maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Longitudinal slip ratio = 1.0038.
If the longitudinal slip ratio is positive, it will be set
to 1.0 (braking).If the longitudinal slip ratio is
negative, it will be set to -1.0 (traction).
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_3 the lateral slip ratio has gone beyond its
maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.1956.
Lateral slip ratio (S_alpha) is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_3 the lateral slip value due to combined slip
and camber has gone beyond its maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.1956.
Camber angle (gamma) = 2.32903E-02.
Combined lateral slip ratio due to slip angle and Camber angle
(S_alpha_gamma) is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_3 the comprehensive slip value due to longitudinal
slip, lateral slip and camber has gone beyond its maximum allowable
limit of 1.0.
Longitudinal slip(s) = 0.30616.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.1956.
Camber angle (gamma) = 2.32903E-02.
Comprehensive slip (S_slip_alpha_gamma)= 1.0458.
It is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_4 the lateral slip ratio has gone beyond its
maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.2949.
Lateral slip ratio (S_alpha) is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_4 the lateral slip value due to combined slip
and camber has gone beyond its maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.2949.
Camber angle (gamma) = -1.59308E-02.
Combined lateral slip ratio due to slip angle and Camber angle
(S_alpha_gamma) is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_4 the comprehensive slip value due to longitudinal
slip, lateral slip and camber has gone beyond its maximum allowable
limit of 1.0.
Longitudinal slip(s) = 6.16217E-02.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.2949.
Camber angle (gamma) = -1.59308E-02.
Comprehensive slip (S_slip_alpha_gamma)= 1.0019.
It is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_4 the absolute value of the longitudinal slip ratio
has gone beyond its maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Longitudinal slip ratio = 1.1533.
If the longitudinal slip ratio is positive, it will be set
to 1.0 (braking).If the longitudinal slip ratio is
negative, it will be set to -1.0 (traction).
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_4 the lateral slip ratio has gone beyond its
maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.0931.
Lateral slip ratio (S_alpha) is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_4 the lateral slip value due to combined slip
and camber has gone beyond its maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.0931.
Camber angle (gamma) = -1.59243E-02.
Combined lateral slip ratio due to slip angle and Camber angle
(S_alpha_gamma) is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_4 the comprehensive slip value due to longitudinal
slip, lateral slip and camber has gone beyond its maximum allowable
limit of 1.0.
Longitudinal slip(s) = 0.44976.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.0931.
Camber angle (gamma) = -1.59243E-02.
Comprehensive slip (S_slip_alpha_gamma)= 1.0965.
It is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_1 the absolute value of the longitudinal slip ratio
has gone beyond its maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Longitudinal slip ratio = 1.0866.
If the longitudinal slip ratio is positive, it will be set
to 1.0 (braking).If the longitudinal slip ratio is
negative, it will be set to -1.0 (traction).
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_4 the absolute value of the longitudinal slip ratio
has gone beyond its maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Longitudinal slip ratio = 1.2997.
If the longitudinal slip ratio is positive, it will be set
to 1.0 (braking).If the longitudinal slip ratio is
negative, it will be set to -1.0 (traction).
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_4 the lateral slip ratio has gone beyond its
maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.1171.
Lateral slip ratio (S_alpha) is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_4 the lateral slip value due to combined slip
and camber has gone beyond its maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.1171.
Camber angle (gamma) = 1.59320E-02.
Combined lateral slip ratio due to slip angle and Camber angle
(S_alpha_gamma) is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_4 the comprehensive slip value due to longitudinal
slip, lateral slip and camber has gone beyond its maximum allowable
limit of 1.0.
Longitudinal slip(s) = 0.71257.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -1.1171.
Camber angle (gamma) = 1.59320E-02.
Comprehensive slip (S_slip_alpha_gamma)= 1.2279.
It is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_1 the absolute value of the longitudinal slip ratio
has gone beyond its maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Longitudinal slip ratio = 1.0231.
If the longitudinal slip ratio is positive, it will be set
to 1.0 (braking).If the longitudinal slip ratio is
negative, it will be set to -1.0 (traction).
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_1 the lateral slip ratio has gone beyond its
maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -0.81662.
Lateral slip ratio (S_alpha) is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: For TIRE jeep.TIRE_1 the lateral slip value due to combined slip
and camber has gone beyond its maximum allowable limit of 1.0.
Lateral slip angle (alpha) = -0.81662.
Camber angle (gamma) = 2.70006E-02.
Combined lateral slip ratio due to slip angle and Camber angle
(S_alpha_gamma) is being set to 1.0.
WARNING: A total of 20 warnings have been issued for trimming of slip
values that have exceeded their limits.ADAMS will no longer
issue warnings when it trims longitudinal slip ratios,
lateral slip ratios due to slip angle, lateral slip ratios
due to combined slip and camber angles, and comprehensive
slip values.
WARNING: The symbolic refactorization failed.The matrix is structurally singular
at time = 1.48612E-03.
WARNING: The corrector has not converged after 6 attempts. No. of iterations = 10.
WARNING: The corrector has not converged after 2 attempts. No. of iterations = 10.
WARNING: The corrector has not converged after 2 attempts. No. of iterations = 10.
WARNING: The corrector has not converged after 2 attempts. No. of iterations = 10.
WARNING: The corrector has not converged after 2 attempts. No. of iterations = 10.
WARNING: The corrector has not converged after 2 attempts. No. of iterations = 20.
ERROR: The simulation stopped at time = 3.83226E-03 .ADAMS cannot solve
the equations of motion.
The greatest error in an equation is 99016. in the
equation for GFORCE jeep.TIRE_1.GFORCE_16912385 .
The greatest change in a variable is 2.56407E-13 in the
variable for PART jeep.centerlink .
Try the following in this order:
1.Use the MAXIT argument on the EQUILIBRIUM, IC, KINEMATICS,
or INTEGRATOR command to increase the maximum number of
2.Temporarily change the value of the PATTERN argument on the
3.Temporarily increase the value of the ERROR argument on the
time = 3.83226E-03 .
4.If one or more forces change rapidly or sharply near
time = 3.83226E-03, modify the force or forces.
ERROR: Simulation failure detected
回复: 【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
wangzx你好,你有没有信箱,我把我的整车模型发给你,你帮我看看问题出在哪?回复: 【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
! -----------------------------
! -----------------------------
!jeep road file-flat
! Conversion factors
!Road origin is located at the following global coordinates in the
!data set.
0 0 0
!Road coordinate system is oriented with respect to the global origin
!by the following transformation matrix.
!Coordinates for the node points on road
1 10000.00.0-10000.0
2 -10000.00.0-10000.0
3 10000.00.010000.0
4 -10000.00.010000.0
!Connectivity of node points defining the triangular element
1 2 3 1.0 1.0
2 3 4 1.0 1.0
1 200000.00.0-200000.0
2 -500000.00.0-20000.0
3 200000.00.0400000.0
4 -500000.00.0400000.0
回复: 【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
richardli1353 你挺厉害的我还不知道怎么弄这个路面文件呢
回复: 【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
wangzx:汗!其实我也是没有办法才改的呀!真的不知道我哪里有问题!回复: 【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
wtcat 和wangzx :你好,你能不能把模型画好的给我看看,也让我感受一下运动的快乐!谢谢了!我的邮箱是liqiang135@163.com回复: 【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
wangzx :你好! 你一定也做过李军的前悬架模型吧。这里我有些问题很是搞不懂,想向你请教,什么是上横臂在汽车横平面的倾角,上横臂的水平斜置角,若是按一般的想法,设计点UCA_inner的三维坐标(P107)的算法是不是有点问题?
回复: 回复: 【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
wangzx wrote:斑竹说目前只有清华,吉林工大和一汽能做这个实验
Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
各位,我自己建的三轴的整车模型,怎么每次仿真都出现这样的问题:ERROR: The system matrix has a zero pivot for column 7, which is associatedwith PART/3 Xdot.Consequently, the matrix is numerically singular.
ERROR: Abnormal termination encountered in Solver.