Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
ERROR: A read error occurred while reading the Road Data File for TIRE/1.NODE coordinates were being read in when the error occurred.
Line Number in File = 19.
Iostat = 59.
ERROR: Program Fault encountered in Solver.
Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
wangzx 你好!我做了地面谱怎么看不到地面呢?稀奇呀!仿真时也总是出错.错误如下:ERROR: A read error occurred while reading the Road Data File for TIRE/1.
NODE coordinates were being read in when the error occurred.
Line Number in File = 19.
Iostat = 59.
ERROR: Program Fault encountered in Solver.
Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
sunyubo2005 wrote:轮胎特性文件要自己再文本里编制吗?
我也遇到这个问题,用记事本编辑之后不能保存为书中所要求的格式(TPF\ RDF),系统自带的需要改参数,而且和书上的也不一样 。
Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
我按着书上的地面谱编写的,可是怎么只有一个车轮在路面上.其余的三个都没有在路面上呢?请高手告诉我到底是什么原因呀!而且一仿真就出现了以下的错误:ERROR: A read error occurred while reading the Road Data File for TIRE/1.
NODE coordinates were being read in when the error occurred.
Line Number in File = 19.
Iostat = 59.
ERROR: Program Fault encountered in Solver.
Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
Abnormal termination encountered in Solver.ERROR: Problem evaluating VARIABLE JEEP.FUNCTION_Radius.
Tried to divide by zero while evaluating its function expression.
Divisor was 0.0. Examine the function expression to determine why a
divide-by-zero was attempted.
ERROR: Abnormal termination encountered in Solver.
Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
A license request for MSC.ADAMS tirehanding was denied.
THE feature was not found
Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
李军的例子在ADAMS实例教程中,你可以看看呀!Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
这个整车仿真的制作方法哪里有啊 ??Re:【讨论】李军整车模型修改大全! 欢迎补充
WARNING: JOINT jeep.JOINT_22 is not specified correctly.The angle between the x-axis of the I marker and the y-axis of
the J marker is 87.648 degrees.
The angle between the y-axis of the I marker and the x-axis of
the J marker is 88.551 degrees.
These angles should be of equal magnitude and opposite sign.
WARNING: JOINT jeep.JOINT_22 is not specified correctly.
The angle between the x-axis of the I marker and the y-axis of
the J marker is 87.648 degrees.
The angle between the y-axis of the I marker and the x-axis of
the J marker is 88.551 degrees.
These angles should be of equal magnitude and opposite sign.
ERROR: JOINT jeep.JOINT_22 is not specified correctly.
The angle between the x-axis of the I marker and the y-axis of
the J marker is 87.648 degrees.
The angle between the y-axis of the I marker and the x-axis of
the J marker is 88.551 degrees.
These angles should be of equal magnitude and opposite sign.
上面是我在仿真的时候出现的问题,JOINT_22就是转向盘和转向传动轴之间的恒速副。请各位高手给点指导,谢谢~! 我也出现169、170楼出现的问题,提示CRR值超过了最大许可值,为什么出现这样的问题。我全是按照书上的例子编的轮胎文件啊!
成功的高手是怎么解决的?? 改成hock就行了,选好方向!沿两根轴的方向
嘿嘿,在2005r2下做的,动倒是能动,可是velocity却最大只有0.2,不知道什么原因.在2005r2下面的轮胎特性文件和路面特性文件与书中的不一样,原因可能出在这里, 大家有遇到这样问题的吗?一起讨论. 我在仿真过程中选用的ua_tire 不能跑,但其他不作改动的情况下,改为fiala_tire后,就能跑了.
请问P128的路面文件中的ELEMENTS该如何理解? 请高手指点